This patch will include the content that we’ve been teasing over the last few weeks: new Elites, new multiplayer maps, and some surprise skins! There has also been a multiplayer balance pass, the details of which are outlined below.
This patch will introduce a 30% health increase for most infantry, making early game time to kill more forgiving. Some Tier 1 units have had their damage tuned to compensate for the overall boost. To ensure that these units don’t over-scale in the late game, health upgrade effectiveness have been tuned in parallel.
As a result, these changes make units healthier, and early game fights last longer. Fights over resource points and open-field skirmishes now have a slightly different feel, but the key takeaway is that we’ve shifted towards a greater focus on tactical decision-making.
Patch Overview
- New Elites: Ironclad Dreadnought, Wraithseer Kayduin, and the Lifta-Droppa Wagon
- New maps: Shrine of Asuryan (1v1), Serpent Chasm (2v2), and Da Extraktor (3v3)
- Free skins: Primaris Chaplain Diomedes, Salamander Ironclad Dreadnought, Helmeted Kyre, Deathwing Terminators, and Deathwing Assault Terminators
- New Custom game options: toggle Elites on or off, toggle doctrines on or off, toggle global abilities on or off
- Mission 1 - 3 difficulty tuning
- Health and shields of non-Elite infantry increased by 30%
- Buildable turrets for all factions have had their damage increased from 7 to 13
- Elite point generator cost increased from 80
/ 20
to 120
/ 45
- Elite point generator cost is no longer affected by the scaling of other generators
- Building an Elite point generator no longer increases the scaling of other generators
- Listening Post damage increased from 7 to 9
- Listening Post health increased from 2200 to 2500
- Power Core turret auto attack damage increased from 12.5 to 16.25
- Power Core beam attack increased from 15 to 19
- Shrine of Asuryan (1v1) has been added into the Custom match and Quick-Match map lists
- Serpent Chasm (2v2) has been added into the Custom match and Quick-Match map lists
- Da Extraktor (3v3) has been added into the Custom match and Quick-Match map lists
Space Marines

Tactical Marine
Increased damage of Frag Grenades
Frag Grenades were already behind the curve compared to similar abilities, but they needed a substantial boost to maintain relevance in conjunction with the infantry health changes.
- Frag Grenade: Damage increased from 15 to 26

Increased effectiveness of Cluster Mines
To improve the effectiveness of Cluster Mines, we decreased their detonation radius and the ability's area of effect to ensure that units are more reliably hit by the explosion.


Scout Sniper
Increased damage
With the sweeping health changes, Scout Snipers would have had to take and extra three or four volleys of shots to kill a squad. We've modified the damage so that it only takes one extra volley than it did previously. Thought it is overall more forgiving to fight snipers using infantry units, early game Elites will have a tougher time soaking their damage.

Land Speeder
Increased ranged attack damage
One big focus for this patch was to examine how the infantry health increase would affect the relationships of early Tier 2 units. In particular, it was important not to change the relationships drastically between early skimmers and their counters. We ran a lot of combat tests to monitor how the relationships change. The Land Speeder's DPS was high enough to trade well with its counters, so it only needed a slight tweak. We tested bigger damage increases, but this made them absolutely shred through early game Elites.

Chaplain Diomedes
Decreased health
Diomedes has quickly risen to be one of the most frequent Space Marine picks in upper skill brackets. After these changes, he was a bit too resilient given all his other benefits, so we scaled him slightly down.

Jonah Orion
Increased Health
Jonah is still a strong Elite unit in terms of his overall potential - he can make great plays, but in many ways felt less effective in the early game. We wanted to slightly increase his resiliency and improve the buffs from Emperor's Light.

Emperor's Light
- Allied damage buff duration increased from 5 seconds to 8 seconds while within Stonewall
- Allied damage buff duration increased from 7 seconds to 10 seconds while outside of Stonewall

Assault Terminators
Increased health
Although Assault Terminators can be quite strong in the right situation, we found that they needed a bit more resiliency considering they are most effective in melee range, and are susceptible to being kited.
Infantry Health Upgrades
- Level 1 health increase reduced from 15% to 12%
- Level 2 health increase reduced from 30% to 12%
- Level 3 health increase reduced from 45% to 12%
Additional Changes
- Orbital Bombardment: Levitation channel time increased from 4 seconds to 6 seconds
- In-combat reinforcement time for infantry units increased by 60%

Dire Avenger
Increased Plasma Grenade damage
We've tuned Plasma Grenade damage slightly in response to health changes.

Plasma Grenade
Dire Avengers are very dependent on their Plasma Grenades and though they've never done as much damage as similar abilities, their utility is what makes them strong - so we didn't want to overtune the damage.
- Improved Plasma Grenade: Damage increased from 40 to 52

Increased base damage
As with Scout Snipers, we needed to increase the damage to ensure that it didn't take substantially more volleys to kill an enemy squad. We also found in testing that without this increase, Rangers were disproportionally less effective than Snipers in terms of cost.

Increased melee damage
It was intended that Wraithguard could be countered by being tied up in melee combat, but it was far too easy to achieve that with worker units. Of course, the cost effectiveness of sacrificing a worker for a squad of Wraithguard was imbalanced, and these changes should make them less susceptible to this tactic.

Increased damage versus infantry
We opted to roughly double the firepower of its twin-linked shuriken catapults so that this change mostly affects its effectiveness versus infantry. The below changes affect the shuriken catapult, not the auto attack that fires more often.
- Increased targeting width from 5 to 15, meaning it can hit targets for longer before needing to adjust its facing

Fire Prism
Increased damage versus infantry
A concern we kept hearing from the community was that the Focused Beam doctrine felt weak. After testing this more thoroughly, we agreed - but we had to reduce its damage versus objectives to compensate. We'll continue to monitor how often it's being used.
- Focused Beam: Damage increased from 60 to 120 and now deals reduced objective damage (to the same value as pre-patch)

Farseer Macha
Reduced Psyker Blast damage reduction
There's been some discussion about the Psyker Blast damage reduction bonus that Macha applies to allied units. Though it's correct that you can choose to abdicate the fight, it does last for a substantial amount of time and given the infantry resilience changes, it needed a slight reduction.

Psyker blast

Ranger Ronahn
Health, shield, and damage increased
Though Ronahn recently received buffs, his health change felt like a big step backwards for him. He went from being viable in some cases to irrelevant in most. Like other snipers, his auto attack needed to be increased, but his Long Shot took a dive with the increased health. He was always fragile to begin with, but now that units can survive longer and trade with him more easily, we increased his health as well.

Long Shot

Jain Zar
Increased survivability
Though she can be quite lethal, Jain Zar also suffers from being easily kited and is lower among Eldar Elite picks. This change should help her to find a better niche in the new meta.

Autarch Kyre
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Kyre was not correctly prioritized on the command card
- Fixed a bug where Kyre would revert to his default model when using Skyleap if a skin was equipped

Changed Improved Webways functionality
To boost the Improved Webways doctrine, it will not only affect the cooldown of teleport, but also other abilities.
- Improved Webways: Now properly reduces the cooldown for Webway Holofield and Webway Shield
Infantry Shield Upgrades
- Level 1 shield increase reduced from 25% to 20%
- Level 2 shield increase reduced from 50% to 20%
- Level 3 shield increase reduced from 75% to 20%
Additional Changes
- Eldar will no longer gain full shields when upgrading their shield health; instead, they will gain the difference between their old and new shield values
- Infinity Portal now starts with one charge of Soul Recall

Shoota Boy
Stikkbomb damage decreased
Shoota Boyz always had high damage relative to their cost. With increased survivability, we felt they were just a it too good and needed a slight tweak,. We didn't want to go to far considering the health change will affect one of their cornerstone abilities - the Stikkbomb.


Damage versus skimmers reduced
Tankbustas have always been very effective versus skimmers because they deal their damage in bursts. We needed to tone down their bonus damage do that it is now equivalent to Lascannon Devastators and Shadow Spectres, which should make it a bit easier for skimmers to harass an Ork army.
- Damage bonus versus skimmers reduced from 40 to 25

Damage increased
Deffkoptas have received near-constant buffs and though we feel that they're viable, we've increased their damage to compensate for the health buffs. This makes them that much better as low-cost Elite counters.

Damage reduced
Stormboyz have always been strong as a 2-point Elite, with their high burst damage and jumping capabilities. One of the major design intentions for this re-balance is to affect early Elite units, and we felt that in comparison to Striking Scorpions especially, their base damage was too high.

Critical Strike

Warboss Gorgutz
Bug Fix
- Fixed a bug where Gorgutz would get stuck after casting Grapplin' Klaw while performing a Critical Strike

Big Mek Wazzmakka
Damage reduced
Although Traktor Beam is really awesome and provides great utility, Big Mek Wazzmakka's overall toolkit felt underwhelming - especially in comparison to similarly-priced Elites. Due to the design of Orbital Scrap, his damage was inconsistent - so we've made that less variable. Orbital Scrap damage will no longer be capped at one entity, making it more lethal to squads.

Orbital Scrap

Scrap Turrets
Infantry Health Upgrades
- Level 1 health increase reduced from 15% to 12%
- Level 2 health increase reduced from 30% to 12%
- Level 3 health increase reduced from 45% to 12%
Additional Changes
- In-combat reinforcement time for infantry units increased by 60%
- WAAAGH Tower damage increased from 6 to 7
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Deployable Energy Shields could be built on top of one another
User Interface
- Fixed a bug where swapping between the Campaign and the Army Painter screens would sometimes cause them to overlap
- Fixed a bug where error message text would appear when targeting a Deffkopta while the Slice 'Em doctrine was equipped
- Fixed a bug where error message text would appear while viewing the Vyper Haste tooltip when the ability was on cooldown
- Fixed a bug where the Space Marine Listening Post's targeting indicator would vanish when the structure caught on fire
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